Friday, April 30, 2010

Did..need to do.. anything else?

Friday morning is here and I am
WAY behind on my schedule!
All be it ,
the schedule is a super imposed one
I feel as if I will never get enough done!
I wanted to clean this house from top to bottom..
got the walls and baseboards in living room
floor mopped furniture rearranged..
but, so far, for inside the house that's about it...
want to do the same in all rooms
plus go through canned goods
and remove
any out dated stores..
wanted to rearrange kitchen storage
and head toward the back of
the house cleaning!
wanted to clean & rearrange everything
in "here"!
Got the whole yard mowed...
Got Mama's refrigerator cleaned
and a little mopping done,
got to see Mavenea Grace!!
What a living doll!
Got to visit with Gen..
although come to think about it..
lack of sleep and rest..
I was loopy!
(No telling what she thinks of the Gamma D now!)
Have doctors appointments on Thursday and Friday..
Need to see Pat,
need to see Cheryl,
Need to make an appointment for
vision check while I am here..
need to see Cathy and Mary again..
need to go with Michael to Mama's and
check on fencing..
(If power is on, hook up new dvd player)
Need to visit with
Mama, Elizabeth, Lawrence ...
Have hair appointment tomorrow...
Need to sew clown costume,
for Gennifer
(she needs it today),
need to do some laundry,
Need to "fix" picture for the Mam-maw Ryan,
the next week end
we need to put up fencing
for Mama,
and one more time
right before I leave,
I will need to mow the "north forty"...
anything else?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

16 hours ...
I repeat 16 hours of working with minisule pictures
for a picture book, while wearing bi-focals,
and tilting ones head at a peculiar angle
is enough for one
over extended head ache
possibly bad enough to cause all sorts of brain damage..
yeah, I think it was possibly some sort of
internal nuclear melt down!

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind,

what is the significance of a clean desk?
- Laurence J. Peter

An intellectual

is a man who takes more words than necessary

to tell more than he knows.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My Soul Began to Smile….

There might be a sense of a refreshed and almost excited feeling coming over me!! Sitting in the den  reading, last night it dawned on me that what  I really needed , (and the pups would be over joyed, too) would be some time in the country!!  I have been overwhelmed with the need to dig holes and plant things this spring..yet have also known that with so little time left here I did not want to waste the time, money or energy on this place..I have needed the freedom to just “let the dogs out” and let them run and bark to their hearts content..I fear that our souls have felt sequestered in this God forsaken , dirty, over populated town…I know , I know it’s probably not really that bad…yet, only six months ago I was so tickled to be coming back home  , back south of the Mason Dixon line( I dare say I almost wet my self!!) What could have been finer than to come back where people took life at a southern pace, smiled and waved, and drank sweet tea ? And even though SC is not as far “south” as home.. it had to be good…Hey, D. wake up and smell the freakin’ roses!!!” THIS South Carolina AIN’T home and that is for sure! People here,if they think you can see them,  will smile and wave , wait for you to glance away then run you down with their car! And as for “sub-division” living OMG it’s definitely for those that love “prison” life..who else would want to roll over in the mornings and bump elbows with either of your next  door  “neighbors”?  Speaking of prison when you listen to the local news..well, let’s just say it can scare the “bejesus” out of you..(and I have spent time in NYC)  Now, I did meet a very nice gentleman, that is a native of this area, the other day and we got on the subject of the way people act around here, he claimed that there was a time when a whole lot of industry opened up ..and at that time all this pretty country side was swallowed up by the sub-divisions that were “thrown up” practically over night , followed by an influx of (not raised right )“Yankees” (this is not to say that as a “ Yankee” they have to all be that way…)…and from his view , he said “the place has been over crowded and hateful ever since……”

So yes, when it dawned on me last night that the wide open spaces of the country , the clean fresh air and the “true” friendly wave of a good neighbor was only a few hours away…when my heart strings felt drawn for time with family, not seen in months, I realized..with Michael working sooo many hours in the day, why not? Why stay here day after  lonely day? As my thoughts continued down that road..with a widening grin , I foresaw mowing grass, digging holes, spring clean up..working on the house, puppy swimming pools, a new porch swing and a book, time with my brother and  sisters ,time with my  nieces..and time with my  mom…time with some old friends,time I was craving to toes began to wiggle and my frown became a grin..I looked up and said..”We might , just spend some time  in Alabama….”   My soul doesn’t just need the south…my soul needs some “down home” ….


So watch out Alabama!!!

I’m feeling some home time comin’ on!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

This week I have been totally "git-up" just got up and is gone...I can't find it..haven't really had the energy to look for seems every other breath is a long sigh..this morning I finally folded white clothes (undies & socks) that have been in the dryer for 2 days! I have been spending my time in front of this computer, at the dog park or with my nose in a book...I know that every now and then a day here or there in a slump is not only o.k. but, also called for..I think I will invite all my four legged children up to the sewing room..put miss Bo-Bo a pillow on one of the tables, (she will like that) and begin the process of losing myself in fabric and all the projects that have stacked up and continually call out to me... at least then I will feel like I have done something worth while.........maybe.

Friday, April 16, 2010

George Ellery Hale was the twentieth century’s most important builder of telescopes. In 1897, Hale built a 40-inch-wide telescope, the largest ever built at that time. His second telescope, with a 60-inch lens, was set up in 1917 and took 14 years to build. During that time, Hale became convinced that he suffered from "Americanitis a disorder in which the ambitions of Americans drive them insane. During the building of his lens, Hale spent time in a sanatorium, and would only discuss his plans for the telescope with a "sympathetic green elf."

Friday, April 9, 2010

TotallyD = just me..the way I am.

Thesaurus: Totally = all, altogether, completely, entirely, whole ...
Not just the "sweety" side of me.. the complete, whole everything side of me...sometimes sweet, sometimes well maybe not so and sometimes there maybe some saccharine thrown in the mash...a blog for me.. my thoughts..and my moods.. not just the sweet tour guide showing you bits and pieces of our sweet might actually happen to read the word DAMN or some such at any given time..totally depending on the mood.......And for that matter I might post once or three times a day or even just once a just all depends..completely and totally on just me.D